Apex legends mobile release date
Apex Legends is a game that was released suddenly on 4 February 2019. This is the first game from EA that has not been marketed and promoted and without marketing, the game has achieved 25 million downloads in the first week of its launch. We can guess the success of this game only by its downloads.
When this game was launched on 4 February 2019, along with the release of the game, this news was also spread that this game will also be launched for the mobile version in the coming time. Do you know why EA made this announcement? The reason for this is that the highest-earning platform in the gaming industries in 2019 is the mobile phone. Which is much more than our PC. A gaming company launches its game because they have to earn a lot of money by launching the game and by looking at the current trend, it is known that most of the money is in mobile gaming.
After the announcement of Apex legends mobile version, no official news related to this game has been revealed yet. In 2019, many mobile gamers are waiting for this game but this game has not been launched yet and there are no leaks as to when this game will be launched.
Not only Apex Legends but EA company will also make more games like Fifa online 4 and Need for Speed online in China with the help of Tencent.
Now we tell you what the system requirement of Apex legends mobile is going to be. If games like PUBG and call of duty run smoothly on your mobile, then this game will also run properly on your mobile. Because EA will not make mistakes like fortnite by making this game too heavy. That is why I think the system requirement for this game will be normal.