Summer is on the way and with it, the update of Clash Royale is also on the way. This summer too, Supercell will show its magic and bring new summer updates to the Clash Royale.
Clashers be ready for the upcoming brand new update of Clash Royale as this update of the game is going to drop very soon. Talking about the highlights of this update then along with balance changes, the new ladder system and a brand new card is also included in it, and after this update, your account is going to be filled with a lot of gold.
Trophy Road Extended to 8000
This is the most major change happening in the game which will attract your attention. In this update, the ladder has been restructured by making changes in it. The new ladder system will include two new arenas which include Rascal’s Hideout and Serenity Peak.
Rascal’s Hideout & Senety Peak
After 4200 trophies you will reach the new arena Rascal’s Hideout and when your trophy reaches 4600 then your entry will be in Serenity Peak Arena. Under the new structure, the Legendary Arena will now be unlocked at 5000 trophies and after the update, if you want to reach Ultimate Champion then you should have 8000 trophies.
Now the question arises that why these changes were made? The answer to this question is player congestion as this new arena structure will reduce player congestion in the mid ladder. The season’s resets will also be modified according to the new ladder structure.
Batter Chests and More Gold
This update is going to make the players happy because this update will bring a small gift. All road rewards above 3300 trophy will be reset due to which you will be able to claim all these rewards i.e. you are going to get a lot of free stuff which will bring a smile on your face. Due to some direct changes in the ladder system, you are going to get more gold and good chests.
After the update, you will get to see 3 types of gold crates which include Regular Gold Crates, Plentiful Gold Crates, and Overflowing Gold Crates.
Regular Gold Crates will be the most common in which you will get 1000 – 2000 gold and it will take 3 hours to unlock. With Plentiful Gold Crates you will get 2000 – 5000 gold and it will take 8 hours to unlock. Overflowing Gold Crates will be the rarest and these crates will give you up to 7500 – 12500 gold and it will take 12 hours to unlock. This Gold Crates will start after Arena 15.
Updates in Quality of Life
A lot of quality of life updates were also given in this update, out of which some major updates are as follows.
- After the update, the deck slots will increase i.e. 10 slots will be seen instead of 5.
- Now you will also be able to rewind the replay of the match.
- Drop glitches have also been fixed in this update.
Improvement in Clan Wars
This is a major change in the system of Clan Wars. When Clan Wars starts, the first three days will be training days and the remaining 4 days will be battle days. In the training days you will earn normal gold only and if you talk about battle days then during battle days you will earn medals with the help of which you will upgrade your boat.
New Card Goblin Drill
Are you tired of using old cards, then in this update, you will get a brand new card called Goblin Drill. This will be included in the category of Epic cards and this card will consume 4 Elixir. This is a building in a way, you will be able to place it anywhere in the Arena. This building will last for 9 seconds, out of which 3 goblins will spawn every 3 seconds.
Balance Changes
In the upcoming update, Clash Royale team has balanced total 9 cards i.e. changes have been made in these 9 cards which include Fire Spirit, Furnace, Elite Barbarians, Rascals, Giant Skeleton, Cannon, Cannon Cart, Golem, Ice Wizard. To know the details of the changes made in all these cards, you can visit the official website of the game.
Season 24 Rumble in the Jungle
Along with this update, season 24 will also be entered in the game, which will be named Rumble in the Jungle. Season 24 will bring new Jungle Tower skin, Rare Book, boosted Goblin Giant, plus a new card
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