In this article, we are going to give you information about the Halloween update coming after the 9th-anniversary update of Clash of Clans. Although recently a brand new update has come in the game, but now there is a possibility of another update coming by the end of this month or in the next month i.e. September.
If you remember, in the last Halloween update of COC, we got to see a brand new seasonal troop named Skeleton Barrel. If you also play Clash Royale, you will know that the Skeleton Barrel Troop came from Clash Royale. The reason for this was that last year Clash Royale got the shocktober update which brought 2 new cards Electro Giant and Electro Spirit and we got to see a troop of Clash Royale in Clash of Clans to promote the same.
Supercell keeps promoting both Clash Royale and Clash of Clans inside each other which is a good thing, but now this thing could happen again as the Halloween update is coming soon. The thing to notice is that after last year many new troops have also come in Clash Royale, so it is very likely that once again a troop of Clash Royale will enter Clash of Clans as a seasonal troop for a few days.
The seasonal troop has become an important part of COC’s Halloween updates over the past few years, and each time the seasonal troop comes from Clash Royale such as the Pumpkin Barbarian, Skeleton Barrel, etc.
So this is a theory that we have put before you by doing research and prediction. However, at the moment there is no official confirmation of this thing, so this theory can also be wrong. However, time will tell whether this prediction will prove to be correct or not.
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