Players are currently enjoying season 26 in Clash Royale but in this article, we will talk about the next season of the game which will be season 27. Based on the predictions, leaks, and news, this article has given information about which new card we can expect in Season 27.
The most important news is coming from the designer of the Clash Royale game named Brice laville Saint Martin. Actually, a user asked Brice whether we can expect a new card in the next update of the game? Responding to this question, Brice posted three different colored balls 🟡🟢⚫ in the comment whose colors are yellow, green, and black.
This comment by Brice is clearly a hint of a new card because even when the Goblin Drill card was about to arrive, Brice gave a similar hint as you can see in the picture below.
1. Theory
Trying to understand the hint of the three-ball 🟡🟢⚫ given by Brice, 3 troops come in front which are Barbarian, Goblin, and Dak Prince. Actually, the color of the yellow ball is similar to the color of the barbarian, the color of a green ball is similar to the color of Goblin, and the black ball could mean the Dark Prince. From this hint, it looks like we might get to see something new related to the Barbarian, Goblin, and Dark Prince in the upcoming update of the game.
2. Theory
In the second theory, it seems to us that Brice has disclosed the color of the new card coming through this hint i.e. the new card coming will be completely fresh and this card ie troop can be of yellow, green, and black color.
Friends, this was our theory, if you get some idea after seeing this hint, then you can share that idea in the comment box.
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