Clash of Clans players must be very happy to read the title of this article because in this article we are going to talk about the upcoming Siege Machine in the game.
If we talk about the existing siege machine, then at present there are total 5 siege machines available in COC which include Wall Wrecker, Battle Blimp, Stone Slammer, Siege Barracks, and Log Launcher and probably another siege machine can also come into the game very soon.
Before we go into the details of the upcoming siege machine in the game, we’d like to take you in the flashback. You must remember that in the last year i.e. December of 2020, the game got a mega update which included 2 super troops, 1 invisibility spell, 1 new siege machine along with many events. Now in the upcoming mega-update in 2021, a brand new siege machine may come for which there are many reasons.
Actually, just recently, a new troop has come into our game and now there is no logic to bring any new troop in the upcoming update of the game. You all must be aware that in the upcoming mega update of the game, the new town hall may not even come at the moment. Keeping all these things in mind, the chances of a new siege machine coming in the game’s December month’s mega update increases. Along with that, we can also get to see 2 Super Troops in the mega update.
Now this question must be coming to your mind whether the upcoming siege machine will be ground or air? Currently, Clash of Clans has three ground siege machines and two air siege machines, ie now an air siege machine can be entered in the game to balance the game.
Friends, what do you think will be the functions of the upcoming air siege machine and how will it work? If you have any idea regarding this then you can share your thoughts by commenting in the comment box below.