83 is a sports drama genre film based on Indian cricket. Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh has done the work of playing the lead role of this film. The 83 film was released not only in Hindi language but also in other regional languages of India such as Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. This film was released in theaters on 24 December 2021, that is, it has been almost a month since the film was released.
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There are also many people who could not go to watch this film in theaters due to the pandemic, due to which they are now waiting for this film to come on the OTT platform. If you are also among those people who want to watch this film on OTT then this article is for you because in this article we will tell you about OTT release date of 83 film.
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The window of 83 film to arrive on the OTT platform was 8 weeks, that is, after 8 weeks of its release in theatres, this film was also going to come on the OTT platform. Although the makers of 83 film had chosen the window of 8 weeks for the reason as they were quite confident about 83 film but the film could not do as much collection at the box office as the film makers had expected.
After completing its 8 weeks, you will get to watch 83 movie directly from theaters to the OTT platform. If we talk about the OTT release date of 83 film, then this film will be released on the OTT platform on 18 February.
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Now the question must be coming in your mind that on which OTT platform this film is going to be released? You are going to see this film on not one but two OTT platforms, in which the first OTT platform is Disney Plus Hotstar and the second OTT platform is Netflix.
Only the Hindi version of 83 film will be released on Netflix but on Disney Plus Hotstar this film will be released with all five languages.
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