Recently a new event has arrived in Free Fire, which is named Pick Your Side Event. On completing this event, we are going to get a pan skin, a diamond royal voucher, and FFIC silver tokens. In this article, we will tell you how you can complete this event.
This event is going to run from October 11 to October 20, that is, this event has started from today. On clicking on the banner of this event, you will see an interface which you can see in the image given above. In the event, you have been given a total of 6 rounds and 12 teams have been given in each round.
The teams present in each round are divided into 2 parts, you have to predict and pick the teams of any one part of those two parts which can get the most points in the tournament. If your predicted team collects the most points then you will win that round and you will get a Diamond Royal voucher and FFIC Silver tokens. If you win a total of 3 rounds then you will get the skin of a pan.
If you have already confidence on the teams of any side then you can pick those teams but if you do not know which teams are the best then you should do some research about that teams before choosing those teams. You can also research about teams on Google or Youtube.
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Read also: How to Complete Venom Event in Free Fire?