Elden Ring: How To Build A Mage | How To Play As An Astrologer (Mage) In Elden Ring
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If you want to play Elden Ring game as a Mage, then you are reading the right article because in this article we will tell you how you can play Elden Ring game as a pure mage. In this article, almost all the important points related to Mage have been covered such as mage character creation, stats & attributes, equipment, and spells.
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Elden Ring: Best Class For Mage
If you want to play the whole game as a pure mage, then you have to select the Astrologer class because the Astrologer class already has all the features that you need to build a perfect mage. If we talk about Keepsakes then to play the game as a mage you should choose Golden Seed because Golden Seed provides you extra flask and this extra flask is going to be very useful for you in the early game.
Elden Ring: How To Play As A Mage?
Playing as a pure mage in Elden Ring game is much easier than other Souls games because it is very easy to maintain your resources in this game due to which you can also play as a pure mage in this game without the help of any melee weapon.
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To play the game as a pure mage, you will need blue flasks the most because if you have a lot of mana, then you will be able to defeat your enemies easily with the help of spells and that’s why you have to set your flasks accordingly. When you play the game as a mage, your strategy should be that the enemy should not be able to hit you even once, when you have very few attacks, then your health will not be reduced so quickly due to which you will not need a lot of healing.
Elden Ring: Mage Stats And Attributes
If we talk about Attributes, then first of all you have to increase your intelligence because when you increase your intelligence then you can deliver more damage to enemies with your spells and any weapon. When you cast spells and dodge enemies, your stamina will also be used in that process, due to which you will also have to focus on your endurance. You also have to increase the points of your Vigor and Mind in a small amount. The more memory slots you have, the more types of spells you will be able to remember, and to increase memory slots, you just have to keep progressing in the game because as you progress in the game, your memory slots will also keep increasing.
Elden Ring: Best Equipment For Mage In Early Game
If you want to play the game as a pure mage, then your biggest priority will be to find good staff. You can use Demi-Human Queen’s Staff in the early game, you can watch the video below to get Demi-Human Queen’s Staff.
If we talk about second equipment, then Meteorite Staff will also prove to be a good option for a mage in the early game. You can watch the video given below to get Meteorite Staff.
With the help of these two staff, you will be able to deliver good damage to enemies in the early game.
Elden Ring: Spells
Like a good staff, the second most important thing for a mage is spells because with good spells you will be able to defeat enemies in the early game very easily. You can buy Spells from Sorcerer Trainer. If you do not know where the location of Sorcerer Trainer is, then you can watch the video given below.
If we talk about the best spell, then in the early game you should use the Glintstone Pebble spell because Glintstone Pebble is a stable spell and you need very little mana to use this spell. Glintblade Phalanx is also a good spell because this spell gives strong damage to enemies, although this spell is not mana efficient.
Apart from Glintstone Pebble and Glintblade Phalanx, you can also use many such spells which are mana efficient.
Final Tips
During combat, you use a lot of stamina to dodge enemies, to reduce stamina consumption, you can combat riding on a horse. The horse is faster, due to which it will be easier for you to dodge the attacks of enemies and your stamina will also be consumed less.
If you want to play the game as a pure mage, then we would advise that you should also keep a physical shield with you, because many times the enemy will come so close to you that you will not get a chance to dodge his attack, so you can protect yourself with the help of shield.
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