There are many animals and creatures in Minecraft, which we affectionately call as mobs. Mainly 3 categories of mobs are found in Minecraft which include passive mobs, natural mobs and hostile mobs. In this article we will talk about a passive category mob which is Turtle.
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If you like the wonderful mob turtle of Minecraft then this article is for you because by reading this article you will know that how did the turtle enter Minecraft, how to breed turtle, and how to craft turtle shell.
How did turtles get into Minecraft?
Turtles will be the favorite mob of many people who play Minecraft, but probably very few people know how the turtle got into Minecraft. If you also do not know how turtle came to Minecraft, then let us tell you that the real credit for bringing turtle in Minecraft goes to a reddit user Billyk_.
Actually, a reddit user named billyk_ made a post on the reddit page of Minecraft in March 2015 suggesting that there should be a turtle in Minecraft on which we can ride and travel in the water. Along with people, Mojang, the creator of Minecraft, also liked this suggestion of billyk_, due to which in 2018 Mojang introduced the turtle mob in the updated aquatic phase 2 of Minecraft, considering Billyk_’s suggestion.
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Although Mojang did not add the feature of riding on turtle according to billyk_’s suggestion, but still the turtle added by Mojang in the game is very good.
How to find turtles in Minecraft?
Turtles are very easy to find. Turtles are a passive mob that spawn on beach biomes during daylight, although turtles do not spawn on snow beaches and rocky shores. Turtles are very nice mobs that don’t harm you at all.
How to breed turtles in Minecraft?
If you want to breed turtles, first you will need two turtles that you can catch from beach biomes. You will need to feed one seagrass to both of your turtles. You will find seagrass at the bottom of the sea, that is, you have to dive into the sea to get the seagrass.

When you feed seagrass to both turtles, red hearts will start popping up on both of those turtles. After a while, one of the turtles will become a little bigger due to being pregnant, after which the pregnant turtle will try to go to the home beach. After reaching the home beach, the pregnant turtle will start laying eggs.

Turtle eggs can only be hatched on sand or red sand. Turtle eggs take four to five game days to hatch. When the turtle eggs hatch, baby turtles will emerge from them. When a baby turtle becomes an adult, it will drop a scute from which we can craft Turtle Shell.
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How to create turtle shell in Minecraft?
Turtle shell is very easy to craft. You will need 5 turtle Scute to make a turtle shell, which you can get when the baby turtle grows up.
To make turtle shell, you have to place 5 turtle Scute on the crafting table in that formation which you can see in the above image. After the turtle shell is crafted, you can wear the turtle shell as a helmet because the turtle shell is very strong.
You can also enchant the turtle shell like a normal helmet. The enchanted turtle shell lets you breathe underwater for 10 seconds more.
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