There are many things in Minecraft that you can use as decorations, and those things include Spore Blossom as well. If you want to decorate any of your structures in Minecraft with Spore Blossom but you do not know where Spore Blossom is found then this article is for you because in this article we will tell you how you can find Spore Blossom.
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If you do not know, then let us tell you that Spore Blossom was added to Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Part 2, however, Spore Blossom in Caves and Cliffs Part 1 was available only in Creative mode, that is, the entry of Spore Blossom in survival mode was done in Caves and Cliffs Part 2.
If you want to find Spore Blossom, then you have to go to the lush cave because Spore Blossom is found only in lush cave biome, although finding the lush cave is not so easy. Now the question will come to your mind that how is the lush cave found? Although the lush cave is very difficult to find but you can find the lush cave through a special tree.
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To find Lush Cave, you have to find an Azalea tree because under the Azalea tree you will get to see the lush cave. Azalea tree grows in the same place where there is a lush cave below. It is very easy to identify the Azalea tree because the Azalea tree is very different from the normal tree, Azalea tree has pink colored flowers which you can see in the above image.
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In Lush cave, Spore Blossom grows only on the roof of the cave. To break the Spore Blossom, you have to simply hit the Spore Blossom, after which you will be able to collect the Spore Blossom. You can install Spore Blossom on the ceiling of any of your structures as Spore Blossom is a ceiling-hanging decorative. Spore blossoms are very beautiful and they continuously emit green particles.
In this way, you can find Spore Blossom in Minecraft. If you want to be updated with similar information related to Minecraft, then you can subscribe to our website.
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