A brand new event has started in Pokemon Unite called Hoopa Special Event. During the Hoopa Special Event, players will get a chance to claim Hoopa pokemon for free. If you want to know how to complete Hoopa Special Event then this article is absolutely for you because in this article we will give you information about how you can complete Hoopa Special Event and how to claim Hoopa pokemon for free.
In this event, you will get to see two tabs out of which one is Kitchen tab and the other is Hyperspace Box Challenge tab.
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Hyperspace Box Challenge
In the Hyperspace Box Challenge, you will get to see a total of 5 boxes and you can claim these boxes daily.
When you open the section of Kitchen, then below in that section you will see some rewards that you will need doughnuts to get. You’ll need a total of 50 doughnuts to get Hoopa’s permanent unite license.
You will need ingredients to get doughnuts and you can get ingredients by completing daily missions.
Fix Ingredients Bug In Hoopa Special Event
It is very easy to complete the Hoopa Special Event but in this event players are facing a bug due to which many players are not able to complete this event.
When you click on the button of get Ingredients, a section will open and when you click on the button of claim present in that section, you will not get to see any response i.e. even after clicking on the button of claim, you will not be able to get the Ingredients. Due to this bug, the game of many players also gets stuck, and then they have to restart the game.
Actually, you are not able to claim Ingredients because there is no mission available on the section “Get Ingredients”. You will be able to claim the Ingredients when the missions are appealed there.
You don’t have to do anything to fix this bug because this bug will be fixed by the developers after a short time.