The Day Before is an upcoming zombie survival game coming to PC. The gameplay trailer of this game came on the internet suddenly because the developers who created the game do not belong to any big game development company, i.e. the game is being created by an unknown developer company named Fntastic.
The graphics quality of this game can be gauged from the fact that by seeing the gameplay video, people are not believing that this is really exist. The official video associated with the game is not fake as this game really does exist and it is currently under development.
Like every zombie game, the story of this game is the same because according to the story of this game, a dangerous virus has spread all over the world, due to which people are transforming into zombies. The gameplay footage launched is work-in-progress footage but still, its graphics are stunning. This game can be called the combination of The Division and Resident Evil because its gameplay is like The Division and zombies are like Resident Evil.
Being an open-world game, you can easily explore the entire virtual world. Your main motto is survival and for that, you have to meet and trade with other real-time players. Although not all the people present in the game are good because sometimes you will have to fight other players but there is also a bigger danger than the players and that are zombies because if you make more voice in the particular areas, the zombies will be attracted towards you by that voice.
For survival you will have to find food, create shelter, build weapons, co-operate with other players, and do other important tasks as well, while doing all these tasks, you will also get the feel of MMO RPG Element.
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By watching the gameplay demo its looks like the fighting and shooting mechanics of the game are good because its particle system is working well along with that game’s dark environment makes it scary. Overall details given in the game are also good, which makes it feel that the developers have worked hard to develop the game and make it perfect.
In order to make the game realistic, the environment system has been added to it as well as indicator systems such as maps have not been included so that you will have to remember the paths to get to different locations present in the game. Your health can be reduced due to climate change and also your health will be reduced due to a shot by other players or an encounter with zombies. If you do not put a bandage when your health is low, then you will be knocked out by bleeding.
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At present, The Day Before Game is under development and no information has been given by the developers about the release date of the game but one thing is sure that the game will not come in 2021 i.e. this game will be launched after 2 to 3 years.