Recently, it has been announced by Krafton that the PC and Console version of PUBG will be made free to play from 12 January 2022. There is no doubt that the developer has decided to make this game free to play for this reason so that they can attract more and more players to play PUBG PC, But will this move by the developers prove to be helpful in increasing the player base of PUBG?
Many people are happy to hear this news because very soon they will be able to play PUBG PC for free without buying but is it worth playing 5-year-old game in 2022? PUBG PC was released on 23 March 2017 i.e. after three months this game will complete 5 years. Being 5 years old, PUBG PC becomes an old gen game, and the playstyle, mechanics, and graphics of PUBG PC seem outdated as compared to Apex Legends, COD Warzone, and Super People
At present, if any game is most similar to PUBG PC in the Battle Royale category, then that game is Super People. At present, the beta of Super People has been released and one good thing is that the players are liking the game very much. One of the reasons why people are liking the Super People game is also that the Super People game is like PUBG PC. However, the biggest reason for the popularity of the Super People game seems to be its fast pace.
Where on one hand the biggest drawback of PUBG game is its slow pace due to which many players get bored while playing PUBG, on the other hand, the biggest advantage of the Super People game is its fast pace due to which players are always excited while playing this game and sometimes the players do not even get a chance to breathe. Along with being fast-paced, another cool feature of the Super People game is the abilities present in it, due to which this game becomes more exciting.
Although the idea of making the PC and console version of PUBG free to play was going on for a long time, but that idea was implemented when the Super People game is becoming popular among the people and is going to be released very soon. Looking at the time when the PC and console version of PUBG is being made free to play, it seems that the developer of PUBG has an idea of the popularity of Super People, and now they have considered Super People as his biggest competitor.
You can guess the capability of Super People from this fact that somewhere now the developer of PUBG PC game is considering Super People as a worthy opponent, due to which perhaps they have decided to make PUBG free to play. However, looking at the current situation, it seems that even the decision to make PUBG free to play will not go in the favor of PUBG because now people have got used to playing fast-paced games like COD Warzone and Apex Legends and Super People is also going to be fast-paced due to which people may not enjoy slow pace gameplay of PUBG now.
Considering the points discussed in this article and the growing popularity of Super People, there is a high chance that Super People will replace PUBG in the future. What is your opinion on this? Do tell by commenting in the comment box below.
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