Elden Ring: Best Lightweight Small Shield | Elden Ring: How To Get Gilded Iron Shield
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Elden Ring is a game in which there are many classes available and players can choose any class according to them. Although there are many different classes in the game, but most of the players like to choose those classes who specialize in melee weapons, that is, most people like to use melee weapons in the game. Melee weapons are powerful but melee weapons are not able to provide you much protection but there is also a solution for this which is a shield.
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There are many types of shields in the game such as heavy shield, light shield, large shield, small shield, strong shield, weak shield, etc and the job of all these shields is to give you protection. There is no doubt that the shield increases your defense, but it is also true that the shield also increases your weight, although the solution to this problem is a small and lightweight shield. In this article, we will tell you about one such small and lightweight shield which is small and lightweight as well as powerful.
Gilded Iron Shield is a small and lightweight shield. The special thing about this shield is that the weight of this shield is only 3.0 which is very less, although despite being a small shield, this shield provides very good protection. Due to the less weight of this shield, your character will become more agile and the movement speed of your character will also increase. An agile character plays a very important role in close combat because when your player is agile, you will be able to dodge enemy attacks better.
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Gilded Iron Shield has a skill called parry. Parry is such a skill with the help of which you can deflect the enemy’s attack and break the enemy’s stance. You can infuse this shield with any Ashes of War and this shield can be buffed with the help of any magic or consumables items.
Elden Ring: Where To Find Gilded Iron Shield
To get Gilded Iron Shield, you have to go to the Church of Pilgrimage at the northern peak of the Weeping Peninsula. After reaching the Church of Pilgrimage, you will see a grave outside the church on which a corpse will be sitting, you have to loot that corpse after which you will get Gilded Iron Shield.
If you are facing difficulties in finding Gilded Iron Shield then you can watch the above video.
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In this way, you can get Gilded Iron Shield. Did you like Gilded Iron Shield? Do tell by commenting in the comment box below.
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